24beds.com is an accommodation (aka. hotel / hostel / motel / bed and breakfast and other types of accommodations) booking site. The company provides online reservations and property management solutions for budget accommodations through its website (24beds.com).
To be the best and widely used online reservations solutions provider for accommodations in India and abroad using the latest technology.
Property Sign Up (aka. hotel / hostel / motel / bed and breakfast and other types of accommodations) By listing your property on 24beds.com you will be able to sell your accommodation to users both in India / Abroad through our website and our partner sites.
Why list your property with us? No signup fees - You are free to Join Exposure to Search Engine (no additional cost) Opportunity to be featured on our site and sister sites and affiliate partners Easy to user Rate & Inventory management through extranet (accessible by you at all times) Dedicated support from our support team Communicate and receive bookings from global audience. Receive bookings through our website Guests pay directly to you upon their arrival. On receiving your sign up application our team will contact you to gathering property data, images etc., and to confirm your contract terms and conditions with us.
How to make a booking? Provide your destination, checkin, checkout and number of persons in the homepage, Please choose the hotel you would like to book, You will now see the hotel description, facilities and photos, Choose Room Type by providing number of persons in that type, You will now see a page displaying all the booking information including prices, Provide Customer Details in the Customer Form and click "Book Now", The system will now show the complete booking details, After checking all the details, click "Pay Now" This will lead you to payment gateway, After payment process your booking will be confirmed.
24BEDS.com is a budget booking website for hotels, hostels, motels, serviced apartments, mansions, anywhere in india and across the globe. 24beds.com provides booking facility to customers and offers reservations and hotel management solutions to property owners
24beds.com provides an Extranet through which property owners can login and manage their details like Property Details, Property Facilities, Room Facilites, Room Categories, Room Sub Category, Room Types, Room Tariff, Guest Tariff, Additional Service Tariff, Tax Types, Tax Rates, Room Layout, Room Floor, Room Bookable online or not , Inventory of Items in Rooms, Additional Services Tax, Customer Masters, Company Masters, Employee Masters, Lead Source, Leadwise Discount
24beds.com offers Reservations, CheckIn, Group CheckIn, CheckOut, Room Cancellations, Room Change, Room Inventory Items, Room Discounts, Additional Services Add / Remove,
24beds.com offers a Dashboard where Room Reservations, CheckIns, Checkouts, Cancellations, No Show, Outstandings, Housekeeping Occupied Room details are shown
24beds.com also offers statistics of the Rooms - Room Statistics, Arrivals Sourcewise, Arrivals Leadwise, Total Rooms, Rooms Occupied, Rooms Blocked for Maintenance, Rooms Vacant, Rooms to be CheckedOut, Reserved Rooms, Reserved Rooms (NoShow), Rooms to be Cleaned,Money Collected, Money Paid, Cash Balance, Room Occupancy Percentage, Percentage of Room Occupancy, Percentage of Vacancy, UnOccupied Rooms, Total Rooms Sold, Average Length of Stay,Total Revenue Earned from Rooms, Total Tariff, Total Taxes, Total Additional Services, Additional Services Tax, Disocunt, Total Persons, Total Guests, Revenue Per Room, Revenue Per Room Type, Revenue Per Floor, Revenue per Room SubType, Average Room Revenue,Revenue per available Room
24beds.com offers a Task and Complaint Module. Task can be delegated to Subordinates, Tasks Can be repeated, Complaints can be entered and Monitored.